Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I love this image! I really like how the dust is captured on the elephant.

I really like the motion captured in this image. It is almost like you can see the wind blowing.

This is an hdr portrait. I like the subtle changes made by making this image hdr. It seems to give the photo a lot of depth.
I really like this hdr image. It is similar to the image that someone in class took and did their project on. I like the composition.

This is such a funny picture. I think it is interesting that someone would choose to hdr an image like this, but it turned out really neat!

I like the feather in this picture. It kind of adds something unexpected to the photograph. I have really started to like hdr images, and I am happy to have learned a little about the process in which they are created.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I like the sepia tone that this image has. I also really like how the dark area in the center really seperates the picture and makes it almost like two seperate pictures instead of one mirror image.

I like how the mirror image of this picture makes it almost abstract. I think if the swan were not there it would be harder to figure out what this is a picture of.

I really like the colors that this picture has. One of the photographers we studied this semester spoke on how much fun it is to photograph water because you can never get the same pcture twice. I think this picture would be hard to replicate.

I like the lighting in this picture. It focuses all of your attention on the little girl. The tone of this picture gives it an antique effect that I really like.

I like the composition of this photo. If it weren't for the turn in the dock it would seem like it went on forever.

I like the HDR qualities of this image. Especially after learning the technique used to make an image like this. i had not looked at HDR images in the same way that I do now.

I think the colors in this picture are really neat. The purples and pinks really draw your eye to the picture since those are not normal colors you see in a sky.

This image portrays kind of a spooky fee to me. I think the sky has a mysterious quality about it that I like.

I love the picture of the red door. I think it is abnormal and seems out of place.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I love Anne Geddes use of composition in this picture. I also really like the black background, it really makes the green pop. This is such a serene picture.

This is such a simple picture. Anne really has a way of creating a beautiful picture out of very little. She doesn't need to add very much.

This picture cracks me up. I love the connection made in this picture.

I think that Anne has a way of making babies look completely at home in very obscure places. This baby looks perfectly content in this flower. Geddes has gotten really good color in this picture.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I love this picture. Portraits of children are some of my favorite photography! I love the innocence in these pictures. I also love no matter how many times you try to pose a child the shot always comes out looking candid.

We looked this image in class the day the we studied famous photographers. I love the juxtaposition of the rough skin on the elephants to the beautiful dress on the model. I also really think that this photo done in black and white makes the statement more powerful.

This picture was similar to the abstract picture of the dandilion we saw in class. I love that the camera lens can pick up on so much detail that our eyes cannot see.

This is also like the abstract pictures we look at in class. It is amazing to me that the water drolet can act as a lens, making three identical pictures.

I just like the coloring of this picture. It has a very cool tone. It makes the image give off a very peaceful feeling. The flower really seems to make a statement all on its own.

The fog in this picture is really interesting. It has added a really neat effect to the picture. I like hoe the fog seems to mute the colors in this photo making it seem almost antique.

I really like the composition of this tree! Ihas such interesting shapes all intertwined within the branches.

I love this picture! I loke how the humans in the forground are mimicingthe shapes of the bulidings in the background. I also like the different textures seen in their clothing.

This is such a famous photograph but it still suprises me everytime i see it! I love how in focus the men are but how foggy the background is. Although the background is foggy, you can still pick up on quite a bit of detail.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I love how the light is placed in this photo, this picture makes a very simple objest such as a leaf look like it has so much depth and so much to offer. There is so much detail shown on the bottom side of the leaf.
The rainbow really pops in this picture. To ba able to capture a perfect rainbow is amazing.
I love the setting that they have placed this model in. The color of the dress matches the backdrop giving it a an atiqued look.
I like how the black and white of this image really excentuates the light. This seems like a very peaceful picture.
The sunset in this picture is beautiful. I like how white the water is in this photograph.
The reflection in the water is beautiful. there is very little variation in the grey tones used in this photograph.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I love the black and white in this photograph. I find simplicity very intriguing.

I like the composition of this photograph. The flower takes your eye from one corner of the image all the way to the other corner.

Martin Hill
This photograph has an interesting reflection. this would also be very difficult to recreate.